One Week Left to Comment on Contraceptives Mandate Proposed Rules

April 8 is the deadline to submit comments in response to the early-February “proposed rules” (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking–NPRM) about “accommodating” non-exempt religious organizations that have objections to the HHS contraceptives mandate. The proposed rules would: change the definition of an exempt religious employer; define which organizations are eligible for the accommodation; and detail the proposed accommodation. The NPRM offers ideas, though no actual proposed rules, for organizations that self-insure. The objectionable two-class scheme by which houses of worship, but not faith-based service organizations, are accorded full religious freedom respect, remains the framework for the government. (See this eNews story for details about the NPRM proposals.)

The accommodation is pretty much what was suggested in the March, 2012, Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM). Organizations and individuals who commented on the ANPRM might essentially resubmit their comments in response to the NPRM, noting that what has changed is not essential and what remains unchanged is not acceptable.

Looking for examples of comments?

* IRFA submitted comments last week.

* The US Conference of Catholic Bishops submitted an extensive comment letter.

For the text of the NPRM and to comment electronically, go here, then click on the Comment Now button.