Uniting Leaders...

Uniting Leaders…

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We are an alliance of mission focused Christians who lead in today’s high-impact Christian nonprofit ministries, churches, educational institutions, and businesses. Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) unites, trains, and equips Christian leaders to think higher for greater kingdom gain. We move beyond good Christian management to empower Christian leadership that’s catalytic in its transformation of people, their organizations, and ultimately the world.

We recognize every organization holds a vision; however for that vision to be achieved, every Christian leader needs to be equipped and empowered for success. And for this reason we take it higher, offering lifelong learning that is taught by best of industry faculty across all spheres of ministry and business. And all of CLA’s lifelong learning experiences feature a solid biblical worldview.

We create platforms to leverage and exchange expertise, knowledge, and innovative thinking. We maximize multiple distribution channels, formats, and learning experiences so leaders get what they need, when they need it. Extensive collaboration and a shared vision for God’s plan enable us to deliver higher thinking and the best practices for organizational effectiveness in eight core categories:

  • Executive Leadership
  • Resource Development
  • Financial Management
  • Tax & Legal
  • Board Governance
  • People Management and Care
  • Internet and Technology
  • Communications and Marketing

We serve over 4,500 nonprofit ministries, but the measurement of CLA’s impact is not based upon the size of our membership or the number of those who engage in our learning resources. It is ultimately gauged by the effectiveness of our members’ personal leadership, how they empower their ministries, and all those whose lives are eternally changed because of what they do. We collectively take it higher for radical transformation, Kingdom gain, and God’s glory.

What Our Members Value

Our members value wisdom, knowledge and resources founded on biblical principles. Lifelong learning is part of their DNA. Open to new ideas and methodologies, our members seek strategic insight, high-quality training, proven best practices, and practical applications that radically influence how they lead, manage, administrate, and advance their mission. Our members strive to think higher for kingdom gain.