Showing God's Love to the Orphan...

Showing God’s Love to the Orphan…



The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites more than 140 respected Christian organizations and a national network of churches. Working together, our joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to “defend the fatherless” (Isaiah 1:17).

Ultimately, we seek to stimulate and help grow Christian communities committed to adoption, foster care and global orphan care in the local church. Our united efforts include the national Summit, the Orphan Sunday campaign, Global Movements, monthly webinars, and an array of other initiatives.

As the Alliance helps Christians understand God’s call to care for the orphan and equips them for effective response, the impact reaches far beyond a single program or met need. Rather, an ever-expanding army

of passionate advocates invest time, talent and treasure in a personal and sustained commitment to caring for orphans in the name of Christ.


Alliance membership includes three primary categories: organization, church and advocate (individual). Regional or National Alliances of churches may join as affiliates of the Alliance. Together, all Alliance members advance a vision larger than any one of us. Without the Alliance, most members would work in isolation or even competition. Instead, the unifying leadership of the Alliance creates shared impact no one organization, church or individual could achieve alone.

MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS are required to embody the highest commitment to financial integrity, good governance and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Members represent the full continuum of response to orphans worldwide—including many of the most admired names in adoption, domestic foster care, global orphan care and advocacy.

MEMBER CHURCHES must hold convictions consistent with the Alliance statement of faith, and share a desire to see God’s people equipped to defend the fatherless. Many of the nation’s strongest church orphan ministries are Alliance members, both receiving and giving mutual support as part of the Alliance community.

ADVOCATE MEMBERS stand committed to the Alliance statement of faith and its mission. Through their own spheres of influence, as well as through their annual dues, they aid the ongoing work of the Alliance community.

Learn more about membership here.


The Alliance does not require a large overhead budget or infrastructure. Rather, its impact flows from the coordinated efforts of the extensive expertise, infrastructure and networks possessed by it members. Contributions to Alliance projects in 2012 were more than doubled by the value of members’ volunteer and in-kind commitments, from office space to graphic design.