Opposition to the Contraceptives Mandate: Not Just an Election Ploy?!

Many in the media and the commentariat have tried to undermine the many protests against the HHS contraceptives mandate by claiming that campaigns, statements, and lawsuits against it were really just veiled attempts to knock down the President and get the favored Republican into the White House.

That would explain why the many religious organizations and believer-owned businesses that have sued the federal government now have dropped their lawsuits. After all, the election is over, the effort to throw out Barack Obama failed, and so there no good reason to keep spending money and time on the failed electoral strategy.

But wait. The Becket Fund webpage that lists the lawsuits still today–a week after the election–shows 40 cases with over 140 plaintiffs.

Maybe the press and the pundits weren’t exactly right about the motivation for the cases and the criticism?