Grace and Truth...

Grace and Truth…

Colorado Christian University Logo

The Essence of the University

Christ, the living Word, is the integrating center of Colorado Christian University, intentionally at the core of all that CCU is and does. The University exists to produce graduates who think critically, live faithfully, and impact effectively their spheres of influence. This purpose is accomplished through a highly competent and dedicated faculty, an integrated academic curriculum, and student life programs designed to strengthen faith, shape character, and nurture compassionate response in a need-filled world.

At Colorado Christian University, the educational philosophy is guided by our non-denominational Statement of Faith, which is embraced by all faculty and staff. This brief statement affirms the key elements of the historical Christian faith and yet allows latitude on issues defining denominational distinctives. Our shared commitment assures consensus on the foundational tenets of the faith while accommodating productive dialogue so that students hone their intellectual skills and formulate their Christian worldview.

The University emphasizes excellence in its academic programs and fosters strong student academic achievement. Class size is designed to encourage personal interactions between faculty and students, enhancing the learning process. The University seeks to provide students flexibility to personalize their programs of study and to participate in a variety of enriching co-curricular educational opportunities, which foster meaningful community.

The essence, therefore, of the CCU experience is its integration of faith and learning. This distinctive integration of academic achievement, character development, and spiritual formation prepares CCU graduates to honor God and impact the world with their lives.


We envision graduates who think critically and creatively, lead with high ethical and professional standards, embody the character and compassion of Jesus Christ, and who thereby are prepared to impact the world.


Colorado Christian University cultivates knowledge and love of God in a Christ-centered community of learners and scholars, with an enduring commitment to the integration of exemplary academics, spiritual formation, and engagement with the world.

Christ-centered community

Our community of interdependent students, faculty, and staff seeks to honor and obey Jesus Christ, who is present in Spirit and speaks in Scripture, and to advance God’s purposes in the lives of every member.

Exemplary academics

Our undergraduate and graduate curriculum integrates faith and learning in a scholarly environment that fosters critical and creative thinking, academic excellence, and professional competence.

Spiritual formation

Our academic and student development programs cultivate a deep and enduring faith that affirms the authority of Scripture and embraces Christ as the authentic center of life.

Engagement with the world

Our students experience and engage the world in ways that prepare leaders to serve and transform their professions, churches, and communities.