Feb. 14 Conference Call on Contraceptives Mandate Developments

On Feb. 1, HHS announced “proposed rules” concerning the applicability of the contraceptives mandate to faith-based service organizations, houses of worship and their integrated auxiliaries, and for-profit companies. The announcement proposes a possible slight broadening of the existing very narrow definition of an exempt “religious employer,” an “accommodation” for non-exempt religious nonprofits that contract for employee insurance, and a number of possibilities to provide an “accommodation” for religious nonprofits that self-insure. For-profit organizations with conscience or religious freedom claims would remain fully subject to the mandate.

On Thursday, Feb. 14, 1-2 pm (EST), Gammon and Grange attorneys Scott Ward and Patrick Purtill, and IRFA’s President, Stanley Carlson-Thies, are offering a free conference call on these latest developments, with an update on the nearly 50 lawsuits against the federal government because of the mandate.