FBOs and President Obama’s Final State of the Union
Chelsea Langston
President Obama delivered his final State of the Union on January 12, 2016. Several times he pointed to potential areas of cooperation between Democrats and Republicans, and between he and Congress, in the remainder of his term—policy areas where FBOs play key roles. In the opening moments of his speech, Obama said, “I hope we can work together this year on some bipartisan priorities like criminal justice reform and helping people who are battling prescription drug abuse and heroin abuse.” He also focused on possible bipartisan efforts on issues of poverty and opportunity: “I also know Speaker Ryan has talked about his interest in tackling poverty. America is about giving everybody willing to work a chance, a hand up. And I’d welcome a serious discussion about strategies we can all support.”
How should faith-based organizations respond to the President’s remarks? First, faith-based organizations should educate the public about the defining nature of their faith-based identities. It is their faith identity that is distinctive and essential in what they do.
Consider how faith-based organizations provide innovative services in areas of need that the President highlighted. For example, faith-based drug treatment programs around the country provide comprehensive care, recognizing their clients must integrate their physical, emotional, and spiritual health for long-term success. As E.J Dionne has said: “[Religious drug treatment centers are] there to transform the whole person. The way you transform the whole person is to create a relationship with Jesus. Once you have that relationship, you will have the strength to overcome this particular problem…..Programs like that have had success.”
Faith-based organizations should recognize and proclaim the distinctive value of the services they provide for their communities. They must articulate this value in terms of their faith-based missions, and they must step up to forge relationships with policymakers and the media. Faith-based groups need to educate government officials and the public about the indispensable role they play in addressing some of the most pressing needs on our society today.
Second, faith-based organizations can work toward becoming recognized leaders in these areas of need. It is important for faith-based organizations not only to build positive reputations within their communities but also to translate a positive community reputation into positive relationships with community stakeholders and policy leaders. Faith-based organizations should position themselves as trusted subject-matter experts and resources for policymakers regarding what works in key areas such as prison reform, jobs programs, and poverty alleviation.
Moreover, faith-based organizations are also the most effective voices in educating policymakers about the importance of protecting institutional religious freedom—the freedom that faith-based organizations need so that they can serve as their faith calls them to serve.
Faith-based organizations should not neglect the administration’s faith-based initiative as one channel for speaking out and collaborating with the federal government to achieve common goals. The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships’ purpose is “to build bridges between the federal government and nonprofit organizations, both secular and faith-based, to better serve Americans in need.” Faith-based organizations should consider reaching out to the faith-based centers in the federal agencies relevant to their service areas to explore potential partnerships with the government in innovating solutions to America’s most persistent needs. For example, a faith based organization with a community garden
dedicated to providing fresh produce in a food desert and providing jobs for youth could reach out to the USDA’s Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. For more information and resources about ways to partner with the federal government, visit the Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships’ Toolkit: “Partnerships for the Common Good: A Partnership Guide for Faith-based and Neighborhood Organizations.”
Faith-based organizations of various faiths often are called, both inwardly by their faith and outwardly by society, to be peacemakers. It is telling that the areas of hope for bipartisan cooperation that President Obama emphasized in the State of the Union are areas where faith-based organizations often shine the brightest and have the largest impact. President Obama’s prediction about the legislative unproductivity of an election year may come to fruition. But whether or not bipartisan reforms are passed in 2016, faith-based organizations will undoubtedly continue ministering to the prisoner, providing livelihoods for the willing, comforting the afflicted, and advocating for justice and equal opportunities for the most vulnerable Americans.