Child Development
Child Development Education Alliance
It is the mission of CDEA to provide the highest standards of educational excellence within Christ-centered child care, kindergarten, and preschool programs, implemented through:
- Assisting preschool leaders in applying the principles of child development and age-appropriate education within the context of Christian program.
- Providing a positive influence with state legislatures, childcare licensing agencies, and other professional child development organizations.
- Promoting the acceptance of all children.
- Affirming the role of the traditional family lifestyle.
- Assisting preschool leaders, parents, and churches in their efforts to guide young children through the networking of Christian childcare professionals.
- Guiding staff and parents to provide young children with Christian values and a belief system that will enable them to become secure, productive adults.
- Providing opportunities for Christian centers to build a well-trained staff based on developmentally appropriate concepts.
- Providing teachers, administrators, and parents with up-to-date, accurate information on legislation which affects Christian childcare programs.
- Assisting policy makers in their efforts to provide children with safe, healthy environments in which to grow and learn through a united Christian community and a strong Christ-like advocacy.
- Encouraging Christian staff to participate in community events which promote the benefits of a developmental approach to early childhood education.