On January 15, the anniversary of the passage of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which was written by Thomas Jefferson and which is one…
Here’s how the new edition of the important global religious freedom study from the Pew Research Center was announced: “The share of countries with a…
Earlier this week, a federal judge in Oklahoma ruled that the state’s definition of marriage as one man and one woman is a violation of…
The proliferating religious freedom fights these days are really just efforts by people and organizations of faith to impose their values on others. That was…
Given the proliferating religious heterogeneity of our nation and the growing anti-religion sentiment, it is surely newsworthy when Pope Francis is named “person of the…
When Trinity Western University, an evangelical Christian institution in British Columbia, announced that it intended to start a Christian law school, there was an outcry…
The title of David Masci’s Pew Research Center memo is encouraging: “States that allow same-sex marriage also provide protections for religious groups and clergy who…
Both Illinois and Hawaii recently redefined marriage to include same-sex couples. Like other states introducing same-sex marriage by legislation or court action, these two states…
Political Research Associates, which proclaims as its mission producing “investigative research and analysis on the U.S. Right to support social justice advocates and defend human…
Will an LGBT executive order on federal contracts protect religious employers?
For many months, various groups have been pressing the President to issue an executive order banning LGBT job discrimination by federal contractors, and there is…