Law and Justice

Law and Justice

Thomas Moore Society

Thomas More Society is an IRFA member.

The whole crew poses by the Habitat for Humanity sign at the end of the day.

Students from the KU Interfaith Coalition helped build a house for Habitat for Humanity. Student representatives from Christian Legal Society, Islamic Law Students Association, J. Reuben Clark Society, Jewish Law Students Association, and the Saint Thomas More Society came together for a day of service. We hung sheet rock, built closets, cut out windows, and hung ceilings.


The Thomas More Society is a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm that exists to restore respect in law for life, marriage, and religious liberty. Based in Chicago, the Thomas More Society defends and fosters support for these causes by providing high quality pro bono legal services from local trial courts all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

About the Thomas More Society

The Thomas More Society was forged out of necessity in 1997 in order to continue defending the historic N.O.W. v. Scheidler case. This nationwide class action lawsuit brought by the National Organization for Women against prominent pro-life leader Joseph Scheidler (among others) was a transparent attempt to gag pro-life activism at abortion clinics nationally through the blatant misuse of federal antitrust and racketeering statutes. Having decisively prevailed in N.O.W. v. Scheidler in the U.S. Supreme Court, 8-1 (2003) and 8-0 (2006), the Thomas More Society continues to litigate cutting-edge cases including:

• Protecting the First Amendment rights of those who pray and counsel outside our nation’s abortion facilities

• Defending laws that protect human life from conception to natural death

• Ensuring the free expression of religion in the public square

• Restoring respect for marriage as the sacred union of one man and one woman

The Thomas More Society has assisted thousands of clients including some of the nation’s most renowned pro-life and religious leaders: David Bereit and 40 Days for Life, Lila Rose and Live Action, Joe, Ann and Eric Scheidler and Pro-Life Action League, Troy Newman and Operation Rescue, Fmr. Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, Catholic Bishops, the Notre Dame Protestors (“ND88”) and many more.