A Life of Direction...

A Life of Direction…

Southwest Baptist University Logo

A life of direction starts at Southwest

Since 1878, SBU has been a Christ-centered, caring academic community preparing students to be servant leaders in a global society.

SBU faculty brings learning and faith together to give students a liberal arts education that offers more than just preparation for a career. Students are given the guidance and opportunities to expand their world, grow their faith, and discover their calling. The goal is for students to begin a life of direction.

SBU has been recognized for being one of America’s 100 Best College Buys® for 15 years and one of America’s Best Christian Colleges® for 14 consecutive years. SBU’s financial aid program has been recognized as one of America’s Best College Scholarships® for the past four years.

The SBU Bolivar campus is home to approximately 1,600 outstanding undergraduates and 900 graduate students. Academic offerings include associate’s, bachelor’s master’s. and doctoral degrees in more than 45 academic disciplines including pre-professional programs, business, and nursing as well as liberal arts majors.

SBU Mission Statement

SBU is a Christ-centered, caring academic community preparing students to be servant leaders in a global society.

Purpose of the University

The mission statement of the University implies there will be a fusing of the liberal arts with career preparation and the Christian faith with learning. Recognition is also given to the enduring values of the liberal arts as the foundation of critical thinking, decision making, and the high literacy required for responsible careers in the contemporary world.

Therefore, the purposes of SBU are to produce graduates who:

  • have been presented with Jesus’ invitation to personal faith, life commitment, and responsible church membership.
  • have acquired the ability to think critically in rational and coherent ways.
  • are able to communicate effectively through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • have adopted a life-style which incorporates health and physical fitness.
  • have developed principles for personal, family, and social life and make responsible decisions based upon Christian values.
  • have discovered that learning is a life long process, have developed a spirit of inquiry that motivates, and have been equipped with the necessary abilities to continue learning.
  • have acquired an understanding of scientific inquiry and process, and have an ability to evaluate the achievements, limitations, and ethical questions of scientific methodology.
  • understand the basic ideas upon which the United States was founded, and will be involved as a responsible citizen working for justice, freedom, and peace in the affairs of the community, nation, and world.
  • understand the social institutions and forces that have shaped and are shaping individuals, cultures, and civilizations.
  • have an understanding and appreciation of the cultural expressions of other people and civilizations.
  • understand the aesthetic function of the arts in the enrichment of the human spirit and can make personal value judgments about works of art.