Will Canada get a Christian Law School?

Will Canada get a Christian Law School?

When Trinity Western University, an evangelical Christian institution in British Columbia, announced that it intended to start a Christian law school, there was an outcry from existing Canadian law schools and many in the Canadian legal profession. TWU, after all, not only teaches old-fashioned Christian morality but requires it of students, faculty, and staff. Its Christian curriculum and conduct standards were upheld in a landmark Canadian Supreme Court decision in 2001, but that hasn’t kept much of polite Canada from treating the institution as a pariah.

And now it wants to inculcate lawyers–who are supposed to uphold justice–into its obscure and wrong beliefs!

And yet religious freedom is a Canadian constitutional principle (note that landmark TWU case) and the qualifications for starting a new law school do not include pleasing every other law school and law-school graduate. So, going against all the protests, the Federation of Law Societies of Canada approved the creation of a TWU law school, and the British Columbia government agreed. One day, a pronounced faith-based law school will join the many secular-minded Canadian law schools.

Read more here: John Sikkema, “The Opposition’s Might Suggests the Cause is Right,” The Cardus Daily, Dec. 20, 2013.