Stanley Carlson-Thies to Give Talk on Capitol Hill, Tuesday August 13th

Stanley Carlson-Thies to Give Talk on Capitol Hill, Tuesday August 13th

Tuesday, August 13, 5 – 7 P.M.

2226 Rayburn Office Building,

Food, drink, lecture, discussion.

Why are colleges, companies, and charities suing President Obama about the Affordable Care Act? Is the controversy only about Catholics and birth control, or is there more to it? How can faith-based organizations maintain a distinctive mission and lifestyle in a pluralistic society? Dr. Stanley Carlson-Thies, President of IRFA and former staff of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, will discuss how the HHS Contraceptives Mandate represents a broad threat to the freedoms of faith-based hospitals, schools, social service organizations, and companies of conscience.

This discussion is hosted by The Center for Public Justice, a member of the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance. You can find the original flier for this event here.